14 nationalities, 12 locations, 1 team
To ensure that the team pulls on the same rope despite spatial distance and cultural diversity, the “old” and new team members met in May 2023 for a team meeting in Kirchberg, Austria.
The 2022 energy session?
Reviewing the autumn session 2022 energy affairs Since the Russian attack on Ukraine, the danger of energy shortages and the possible impact on public and private institutions have been on the political agenda. This was also the case in this
Positive media feedback for furrerhugi and politik.ch cooperation announcement
Last Thursday, we announced our latest furrerhugi and politik.ch cooperation. We are thrilled by the positive media feedback and the features top-story of Klein Report. Therefore, we are happy to share a few (German) newspaper articles: Horizont: Furrerhugi kooperiert mit PolitAnalytics persönlich Verlags AG: Neue
How furrerhugi and politik.ch mutually benefit from each other
by Irina Simmen, Head of Business and Projects Switzerland’s well-known public affairs agency furrerhugi has switched its own monitoring tools to politik.ch. This is new territory not only for furrerhugi, but also for us. In their daily work, the agency
PolitAnalytics reports back after the sunny team retreat!
After two pandemic years of working separately, the politik.ch team came together to strengthen internal relationships and work on important projects! The inclusivity, diversity and flexibility of our company has allowed us to bring together brilliant minds and valuable personalities
politik.ch expands to Europe
PolitAnalytics AG closes a successful Series A investment with Ruedi Noser, Council of States member and IT entrepreneur politik.ch, Switzerland’s leading platform for politics and policy experts, has just completed a successful Series A investment round. Zurich’s Council of States