Digital Shaper 2020: politik.ch Co-Founder Clemens Schuster wins award
Our Co-Founder and mind behind politik.ch, Clemens Schuster, has been honored with the Digital Shaper 2020 award in the category “Infrastructure Builders. The prestigious award has been around for 5 years. Its recipients are people who leave a lasting effect on digitalisation in Switzerland and beyond. Twelve jurors from the “Digital Switzerland”-association are responsible for the nominations and selection, in cooperation with the economist paper “Bilanz”, the “Handelszeitung” as well as the french-speaking paper “Le temps” from Lausanne.
The award highlights the founding idea behind politik.ch and what Clemens Schuster and his Co-Founder Thomas Gemperle stand for: open government data can be elementary for a successful business model and represents an important cornerstone for innovative infrastructure in a digital Switzerland. Thanks to politik.ch, one of the biggest yet unused resources for innivation and social development becomes more visible and usable.
Clemens Schuster writes about the honour on his blog:
«[…] I’m delighted that my and our vision gets recognized and in turn, becomes economically successful. My approach has always been an optimistic, idealistic, innovation-driven one. I have failed with it many times, run into it, become despaired of it, with former business partners and customers, competitors and team members. Thinking way too far, way too fast, wanting way too much change in way too short a time. Perhaps I am now also distinguished precisely for having the energy and strength to be persistent, to change the fundamentals in addition for my vision for digital coexistence. This is exactly what it means to be awarded the title of “Infrastructure Builder”. I am proud, enthusiastic and motivated.
With that I connect a mission: to continue
Blogeintrag auf https://hofrat.ch/2020/10/ueber-maschinen-und-menschen-digital-shaper-2020-infrastructure-builder/
Damit verbinde ich auch einen Auftrag: […] set up and run my company sustainably, to cover other countries and institutions besides Switzerland with the same approach: data, structures, processes – automate, self-learning, with a bit of artificial intelligence, but also a lot of human brain and diligence. […]

Our most profound congratulations for the award!